Five-step Management Method for Fastener Lubrication

  In recent years, more and more fastener enterprises begin to realize the importance of equipment lubrication. Some professional products and services, such as oil detection service, precision filter, special oil application, have solved many equipment problems. Now it seems that comprehensive improvement from gear box, friction pair oil selection, refueling, oil use, pipe oil and other aspects is the best scheme to obtain greater actual benefits and multiply the results with half the effort. Industry people found that the input and output of this work is nearly 100 times higher than that of the general.


  Five-step Management Method for Fastener Lubrication


  At present, most fastener enterprises generally do not establish a special equipment lubrication management system, lubricants are often ignored, equipment failure, enterprise leaders first identified spare parts, processing accuracy, installation and other mechanical reasons, while neglecting that more than 80% of the failure is caused by improper oil selection and maintenance statistics. Enterprises lack the guidance of lubrication technicians. More than 95% of them lack lubrication knowledge and neglect lubrication work. They misuse oil or use oil improperly, resulting in short service life of equipment, low production efficiency and frequent accidents, which lead to unnecessary waste of energy. Emphasis is placed on technical renovation, light maintenance, heavy purchase and light operation, strong maintenance and weak lubrication are common.


  Lubrication 5-step management method is a set of complete management methods for gear boxes and friction pairs of various types of cold heading machines, continuous mesh belt furnace, chain-belt warm heading production line, punch press, surface treatment coating or plating production line in fastener enterprises, from oil selection, oil purchase, oil refueling, oil use to oil management, which is collectively called lubrication 5-step management method. The gear box and friction pair are the core of the five-step lubrication management method.


  1. Pipe oil


  Establish the concept of active maintenance, change passive maintenance to active service. Judging the wear threshold value by data can reduce the thinking mode of more experience, less science and feeling.


  (2) Strengthen and improve lubrication charts, operate according to computer lubrication charts. Constantly enrich and improve the formulation of various lubrication standards, the necessary self-contained testing means and external testing, the establishment and improvement of lubrication stations (master stations and sub-stations).


  (3) Regular monitoring of precision, large-scale, scarce and key equipment must be carried out to eliminate the problems in the bud. To speed up the cultivation of lubrication technicians, we should adopt the fast cultivation method of doing projects, learning and cultivating the backbone of lubrication.


  2. Oil Selection


  (1) Choose according to the basis of oil selection (cold heading machine is mainly load, speed, temperature and medium, considering other conditions when all four conditions are satisfied).


  (2) Choose good oil for suitable working conditions and get good value for money, because the cost of equipment maintenance is more than 20 times the cost of lubricating oil, and the cost of lubricating oil only accounts for 3%~5% of the total maintenance cost. Oil products will be upgraded to normal.


  3. Oil Purchase


  It is necessary to establish the concept that oil procurement should be based on equipment working conditions and price should be changed. Purchasing oil products and equipment insists on comparing goods to three or more, and the fittest will be eliminated.


  (2) All purchases of oil shall be inspected before application. First choice of famous brand oil products, good after-sales service, can put forward comprehensive lubrication solutions of oil suppliers.


  4. Refueling


  First of all, we should make clear what kind of lubrication is needed for equipment lubrication point, so as to unify our understanding. Suitable for cold heading machine working conditions, intelligent oil gathering device centralized lubrication, oil and gas lubrication and single point automatic refueling device is the best choice at present.


  (2) Upgrading enterprises'refueling equipment should insist on three or more ratios of goods and choose the best scheme. It is very important to select a good supplier of lubrication equipment. The proposed scheme requires advanced technology, reasonable price, whole-process tracking service, and cooperation with lubrication equipment suppliers who can provide comprehensive solutions.


  5. Oil Use


  (1) Pay attention to the three factors that cause the deterioration of oil products, namely, solid (particles, etc.), liquid (water, etc.) and gas. According to the test data of the three factors, once exceeding the standard, one should do rehabilitation treatment and the other should change oil.


  (2) Purchase of oil filtering and purification equipment or equipment adheres to the principle of three or more goods to be rationed, and select oil filtering and purification equipment or equipment suppliers who can provide comprehensive oil filtering and purification solutions to cooperate. The proposed scheme should be advanced in technology, reasonable in price, and follow-up service throughout the process.


  3. Eliminate oil mixing, avoid replacing oil, and insist on changing oil after cleaning. Adhere to the idea that oil products should be treated with rehabilitation and waste oil should be recovered, 90% of oil products can be treated with rehabilitation, and the real waste oil should not exceed 10%.


  In a word, the lubrication of fastener equipment in our country lags behind for many years. In the process of solving equipment failure, 80% of hydraulic failure is neglected because of improper oil lubrication. Therefore, we should improve our understanding of equipment lubrication. It is hoped that the practice of 5-step lubrication management method will inspire managers and decision makers of enterprises and establish a lubrication management system suitable for their own enterprises as soon as possible.